Club statement
A club statement regarding Mr. Vangelis Braoudakis.
The case of the alleged multi-ownership was a great and intense effort by our team to prove that it is not an elephant.
At that time, with the specter of relegation visible, the club staff used all legal and communication arguments until the final vindication, which came solemnly at CAS.
One of our arguments against the complaint was the indication of relations between Olympiacos and the Greek Football Federation/Deputy Ministry of Sports.
Regardless, however, if there was or if such a relationship was proven, we implicated Vangelis Braoudakis, Communications Manager of the then Deputy Minister, Lefteris Avgenakis, without sufficient evidence.
As a team, we have repeatedly proven that we bravely recognize our possible mistakes and those whom – even if unintentionally – we unfairly targeted.
We wrongly denounced Mr. Braoudakis as a participant in a “secret meeting between representatives of Olympiacos and members of the Greek Football Association”, according to unconfirmed information we had, which turned out to be false.
Mr. Braoudakis never participated in any meeting, nor was he involved in anything that was being said against our team.
We regret the negative impressions that were created against him.
We did not intend to harm the unquestionable professionalism of Mr. Braoudakis or to cause him moral harm, but only to highlight the role of Olympiacos and the Greek Football Federation/Deputy Ministry of Sports in the unfolding of an unprecedented conspiracy to eliminate our team.