PAOK – S.P.I.N., for underprivileged children
Aware of their social responsibility, PAOK FC are active in an effort to bring solace to those at risk of social exclusion and to keep society informed around disadvantaged groups.
Our ongoing and steady effort to serve as shield over people in need has met with a strong ally: the project S.P.I.N. (Sport, Partnership, Inclusion and Network, Erasmus+ Sport) that gives PAOK the opportunity to assist in educating, informing, activating and offering relief to underprivileged children.
PAOK FC will co-finance (along with the European Union –through S.P.I.N. program, Erasmus+Sport) a futsal tournament, that will be held by PAOK Amateur next March at “Palataki”. The teams of children aged 10-12 that will participate in the tournament, will be created by PAOK FC in cooperation with social authorities.
Apart from the games, the five-day event will include educational courses offered to children about futsal and fair play rules. It will also be the centre of action aiming to hand equal chances to children regardless of their social or financial background.
The overall vision of European Union’s S.P.I.N. project is to achieve social inclusion by increasing sports participation of children and young people belonging to disadvantaged groups. Fourteen public and private organizations cooperate in this project throughout Europe.
PAOK FC will give a press conference regarding their participation in the S.P.I.N. network, the five-day tournament of next March and their upcoming initiatives on behalf of underprivileged children. The press conference will be held on Friday 9 October at 12.00 in “Alexandros II” Room of Makedonia Palace hotel.
All political and social authorities of Thessaloniki, wishing to assist PAOK FC and PAOK Amateur in their effort to involve and promote equal access to organized sport, have been invited to attend the event.
There is room for everybody in our family!